Umi Mondgottin Admin replied

479 weeks ago

Hello everyone~

I'll be pretty busy in the next couple weeks or so, but in my spare time, Alex has asked me to work on a crafting guide. I'll be editing and adding to this with bits and pieces when I have time, so please bear with me! If there is anything that anyone would like me to add, just let me know!


Terms to know:

The Classes
Carpenter - Makes mostly bows/canes/rods
Blacksmith - Makes mostly tools/most weapons/heavy ingots
Armorer - Makes mostly heavy ingots/metal armor
Goldsmith - Makes mostly light ingots/jewelry
Leatherworker - Makes mostly shoes/medium-weight armor/some weapons
Weaver - Makes mostly light-weight armor/fashionable glamour
Alchemist - Makes mostly potions/ethers/acn(smn/sch) books
Culinarian - Makes food
*Note: All classes make housing items

Basic Skills
Basic Touch - Increases Quality; Efficiency: 100 Success Rate: 70% CP: 18
Standard Touch - Increases Quality; Efficiency: 125 Success Rate: 80% CP: 32
Advanced Touch - Increases Quality; Efficiency: 150 Success Rate:90% CP: 48
Basic Synthesis - Increases Progress; Efficiency: 100 Success Rate: 90%
Standard Synthesis - Increases Progress; Efficiency: 150 Success Rate: 90%
Observe - Do nothing for one step
Inner Quiet - Grants a bonus in control for every stack; stacks increase with successful touches. Max stacks:11 Starting stacks: 1
Great Strides - Doubles the quality granted for the next touch skill used
Master's Mend - Restores 30 durability
Master's Mend II - Restores 60 durabilty

Carpenter Specific Skills -
  • Rumination - Changes stacks of Inner Quiet into CP
  • Brand of Wind - Increases Progress; Efficiency:
  • Byregot's Blessing - Grants a 20% bonus in control to each additional stack of Inner Quiet

Blacksmith Specific Skills
  • Ingenuity - Slightly lowers recipe level for five steps
  • Brand of Fire - Increases Progress; Efficiency:
  • Ingenuity II - Lowers recipe level for five steps

Armorer Specific Skills
  • Rapid Synthesis - Increases Progress; Efficiency: 250 Success Rate: 70%
  • Brand of Ice - Increases Progress; Efficiency:
  • Piece by Piece - Increases Progress by 1/3 of the remaining bar

Goldsmith Specific Skills
  • Manipulation - Restores 10 durability each step for 3 steps (Must use before 10 durability left unless buffing on the next turn. Used for 40 durability items.
  • Flawless Synthesis - Increases progress by 40.
  • Innovation - Increases control by 50% for 3 steps

Leatherworker Specific Skills
  • Waste Not - Cuts loss of durability in half for the next 4 steps.
  • Brand of Earth - Increases Progress; Efficiency:
  • Waste Not II - Cuts loss of durability in half for the next 8 steps.

Weaver Specific Skills
  • Careful Synthesis - Increases Progress; Efficiency: [80?] Success Rate: 100%
  • Brand of Lightning - Increases Progress; Efficiency:
  • Careful Synthesis II - Increases Progress; Efficiency [120?] Success Rate: 100%

Alchemist Specific Skills
  • Tricks of Trade - Restores 20 CP. Can be used when material condition is "Good".
  • Brand of Water - Increases Progress; Efficiency:
  • Comfort Zone - Restores 8 CP each step for 10 steps.

Culinarian Specific Skills
  • Hasty Touch - Increases Quality; Efficiency - 100% Success Rate: 50% CP: 0
  • Steady Hand II - Improves action success rate by 30% for the next 5 steps
  • Reclaim - Increases chance materials will not be lost after botched synthesis to 90%.

General Terms
CP - Stands for Crafting Points. Used to execute some skills.
Control - Increases ability to increase quality.
Craftmanship - Increases ability to increase progress.



There are several ways to go about leveling your classes.

Originally, the best way was to level each class at the same time, and gather materials needed. Now though, that is unnecessarily slow, however still the most cost effective for those who are working with a budget.

Later, it became just as effective to use levequests to level, and buy the leve items off the market board if you were leveling one class at a time.

Now, with the addition of the ixali beast tribe, you can level your crafters at a decent pace through these daily quests, and when at max rank, you can level your crafting classes in decent time (so I am told).

In FC HOMRA, we are currently working with a system where the existing level 50 crafters (Me, Seraphina, Alex, Lirya, and a few others) are making levequest items from level 15 to 50 for officers working on their crafting classes. We use the company chest to exchange leve packs for a small fee, which is put directly into the Free Company funds. This is in preparation for the Free Company Crafting and Airship in Heavensward, and after all officers have crafts to 50, this option will become open to other free company members as well. Price scaling for items based on level will be put up at another time, however an example is for each level 20 levequest, 2.5k gil is put in the Free Company chest in exchange. This is currently based on the honor system, which is why it is still open to officers only.

If you choose to level by leve, either by yourself or through the Free Company, here is a guide that I am currently working on with Ignis to find the most leve-efficient way to get from 15 to 50:

Weaver -
15-20: Pick up the leve "Better Shroud than Sorry" from the levequest dispatcher in the Ul'dah Adventurer's Guild. You will need [10] HQ Cotton Kurta's max.

Alchemist -
15-20: Obtain the leve "Kiss of Life" from the levequest dispatcher in Ul'dah Adventurer's Guild. You will need [30] HQ Potions of Vitality (10 leves, 3 items per leve).
20-25: Obtain the leve "The Writing is Not on the Wall" from the levequest dispatcher in Ul'dah Adventurer's Guild. You will need [30] HQ Enchanted Silver Ink (10 leves, 3 items per leve).
25-30: Obtain the leve "Glazed and Confused" from the levequest dispatcher in the Ul'dah Adventurer's Guild. You will need [11] HQ Clear Glass Lens.
30-35: Obtain the leve "Just the Serum" from the levequest dispatcher in Ul'dah Adventurer's Guild. You will need [33] HQ High Potion of Strength (11 leves, 3 items per leve).
35-40: Obtain the leve "Alive and Unwell" from the levequest dispatcher in Ul'dah Adventurer's Guild. You will need [12] HQ Budding Oak Wand.

*Note: The number of items displayed in brackets is subject to change because often exp is gained through other sources as well, such as class quests, the challenge log, and if you are crafting the items yourself. However, the number needed will never exceed the amount in the brackets; there is only a possibility that it will be less than the number indicated, so I recommend buying/making the items as you go so as not to waste leves. This number was simply calculated from the exact amount of exp needed for each set of five levels.


How to use your skills: General Crafting

Comfort Zone:
Comfort Zone should always be the first skill that you use, and should be reapplied whenever it falls off unless:
  • Waste Not is up
  • You will not have enough CP left to continue with your rotation
  • The condition becomes Good or Excellent, and another step on the immediately following turn will be more effective i.e. using Tricks of Trade or Byregot's Blessing

Steady Hand II:
Steady Hand II should be used while you still have more Hasty Touch left, while Steady Hand should be used for Byregot's Blessing and Piece by Piece. Steady Hand II should be reapplied whenever it falls off during the quality increase part of the rotation, except under the circumstances described for Comfort Zone. If both Steady Hand II and Comfort Zone fall off at the same time, using Comfort Zone should be the priority.

Manipulation should be used only for 40 durability crafts, except during the leveling process. While leveling, Manipulation should be used instead of Master's Mend until the skill "Master's Mend II is acquired. Manipulation should be used when durability reaches 20/15, unless the next skill to be used will not decrease the durability, such as Comfort Zone or Steady Hand II.

Master's Mend II:
Master's Mend II should be used only for 80 durability crafts, and only executed when the craft is at either 20/15 durability, or 10/5 durability. When you reach 20 durability, if the condition becomes Good or Excellent, you should take action accordingly. If Steady Hand II is still up, you should also use another Hasty Touch at that point.

Waste Not:
Tricks of Trade may be used once while Waste Not is still up during an entire crafting rotation. If Waste Not is used more than once, and Tricks of Trade was used once during the first time Waste Not was used, Tricks of Trade should not be used again. Avoid using anything other than skills that decrease durability while Waste Not is up unless absolutely necessary to complete the craft.

Piece by Piece:
Piece by Piece is mainly used for 3* and 4* items, and occasionally for 2* housing items. For normal 3* crafts (Supra tool items and items for 4* Master Book not included), to finish, you need to use Piece by Piece twice, and Careful Synthesis II three times. For 4*, it is Piece by Piece three times, and Careful Synthesis II three times. If you have enough CP left, you should use Steady Hand before you use Piece by Piece, but if you don't have enough CP to do that as well as buff your Byregot's Blessing, you should try to use Piece by Piece without Steady Hand. If you fail any Piece by Piece strike, reclaim and try again.

Great Strides, Innovation, and Ingenuity II: The Good fish:
When it is time to do your final quality strike (hopefully with at least 9 stacks of Inner Quiet), you use your buffing skills in a specific order, and hope that the condition will become Good. First use Steady Hand. If a Good appears here, simply use Tricks of Trade. Next use Great Strides. If after using Great strides the condition becomes Good, use Byregot's Blessing. If not, continue with Innovation. If after using Innovation the condition becomes Good, use Byregot's Blessing. Hopefully by the time you use Ingenuity II you will have been able to use Byregot's Blessing on a Good condition. If not, for a 3* craft, 9 stacks of Inner Quiet is sufficient for a decent chance at HQ. For a 4* craft, without a Good, you need at least 10 stacks of Inner Quiet to have a good chance (unless you started out with HQ materials; this 10 stacks mainly applies for making basic materials, like the Platinum Ingots and Arachne Velveteen. The same applies for 3* crafts with HQ materials.).


In Summary: The Ending Rotation for Non-Housing items:
To begin your ending rotation, you need 70/65 durability for 4* crafts, and 60/55 durability for 3* crafts. For lower level crafts, this number changes depending on how many strokes it will take you to finish, so adjust accordingly. Piece by Piece is only needed for 3* and 4* crafts, so for 2* and below, between 1 and 4 strokes of Careful Synthesis II should be enough to complete the Progress (Housing items not included).
The Rotation: 3* items
  • Steady Hand
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Piece by Piece
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Piece by Piece
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Steady Hand
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Great Strides
  • Innovation
  • Ingenuity II
  • Byregot's Blessing
  • Careful Synthesis II
  • Careful Synthesis II
  • Careful Synthesis II

The Rotation: 4* items
  • Steady Hand
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Piece by Piece
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Piece by Piece
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Piece by Piece
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Steady Hand
  • Tricks of Trade if possible
  • Great Strides
  • Innovation
  • Ingenuity II
  • Byregot's Blessing
  • Careful Synthesis II
  • Careful Synthesis II
  • Careful Synthesis II

After you use Byregot's Blessing, if you were lucky and used it before Innovation and/or Ingenuity II, then you do not need to use Innovation anymore, BUT YOU MUST USE INGENUITY II BEFORE USING CAREFUL SYNTHESIS II. You will be unable to complete the craft if you do not use Ingenuity II before using Careful Synthesis II.

*Note:When using Piece by Piece, you want all Piece by Piece to be under Steady Hand, so Tricks of Trade should only be used twice until all Piece by Piece have been used. This only affects 4* crafting, not 3*.

*Note: When two options for durability left are shown, i.e. 20/15, this indicates that *Tricks of Trade could have been used once during *Waste Not. Having 20 durability left is effectively the same as having 15 durability left.


~Helpful Macros!~

1 Star / 40 Durability (349 CP Required)

/ac "Comfort Zone" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Inner Quiet" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Manipulation" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Steady Hand" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Ingenuity II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Innovation" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Standard Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis II" <me>

1 Star / 80 Durability (336 CP Required)

/ac "Comfort Zone" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Inner Quiet" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Advanced Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Ingenuity II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Advanced Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Synthesis" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis II" <me>

2 Star / 80 Durability (349 CP Required)

/ac "Comfort Zone" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Inner Quiet" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Steady Hand" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Ingenuity II" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Standard Touch" <me> <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <me> <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <me>
Then manually finish with Careful Synthesis II x 3

*Note: If you plan on crafting them manually instead of by macro, then pay attention to the Great Strides turn before Byregot's Blessing. If you have an "Excellent", skip Great Strides and go straight to Byregot's Blessing.

Credit for macros goes to Alexander Dragneel.

*Note: These macros are designed for people with melded gear and at least the i70 tool; however, these can be used as guidelines for making 1* and 2* items if you choose to craft them manually. Melding is not required for 1* items if you have at least the Patrician's gear. Minimal melding is required for 2* items if you have the i55 class-specific gear and i55 jewelry. Full melding of at least the i55 class-specific gear is required for 3* items, with at least the i55 offhand and i70 mainhand. Full melding of at least the i55 class-specific gear with at least the Supra and i70 offhand is required for 4* items; Artisan's Gear recommended, but not necessary.
Specific Craftmanship and Control requirements:
  • 1 Star: 275 Craftmanship 250 Control
  • 2 Star: 347 Craftmanship 318 Control
  • 3 Star: 391 Craftmanship 374 Control
  • 4 Star: 451 Craftmanship 407 Control

*Note: To have the CP necessary for 3* and 4* crafts, you should eat *HQ Bouillabaisse before starting. Images of my own melded gear will be posted on a separate page with information about how to attain the different tools, and how to meld the offhands.


Lovely image guide to 4* crafting, by Lebensohl Antilles of Siren Server, posted by her in several places on the main forums:

4 Star Rotation


Housing Items
When crafting Housing Items, no quality is required, only progress. However, these are much more difficult to progress than normal items, so for 1* and above, always make sure Ingenuity II is up whenever you are using progress strokes (not including Piece by Piece, which always progress a set amount). Generally, you will use Comfort Zone, Steady Hand, and use Piece by Piece until it progresses the item less than a Careful Synthesis II under Ingenuity II would. Master's Mend II when you get down to 20 durability, and continue until the progress is finished. Extra Craftmanship is always helpful, and may be gained by eating food.


*Note: The site seems a bit glitchy still, so there are going to be certain spots in here where I turned off the color, or turned off the list, yet it still continues anyways. I apologize for the lack of visual appeal of these glitches, and am currently looking into how to fix them.

last edited 475 weeks ago by Umi Mondgottin

nancy keen replied

323 weeks ago

Thanks for the important information you've shared so far! Make sure to browse proofreading companies work in the US whereas you really need to learn more about how to create incredibly unbelievable texts!
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